Monday 1 February 2016

What is Kabbalistic?

What is Kabbalistic?

Kabbalistic (German: Kabbalistik) is the mathematical science of correspondence among symbols.
It derives from the absolute truth that all reality is geometric in nature.

It has nothing essential to do with any particular religion, although Judaic/Yahweist and Christist versions of the kabbalah have been developed.
Yet there are also equivalent forms to be found e.g. in ancient Chinese and Greco-Roman philosophy.

However, the fundamental text of the kabbalah, the Sepher Yetzirah, predates the Bible by thousands of years, and was originally the first book thereof, followed by The Book of Enoch.

It was removed from the Bible, along with Enoch, because in its true and original form it revealed to the wise that many things were falsely interpreted by the various cult-religions.

The kabbalah was originally developed in ancient Egypt, of which Judah was a province.
It was not revealed to Moses, as legendarily is claimed.
Rather, it was taught by the prophets, beginning with Enoch (Henoch).

Kabbalistic is an absolute science, like the more common and primitive mathematics, and therefore does not require belief, but only logic.

It would be imprudent to reveal all the kabbalistic formulæ here.
However, the effects are visible every day.
And if you use your spiritual intellect, you may derive the causes from the effects by deduction.

A remarkable albeit intuitive trove of kabbalistically-caused events has been compiled by the social worker Loren Coleman at The Copycat Effect.

The purpose of this blog is to follow mundane events in the context of their symbolic meaning and teleological relation to human behaviour, society, etc.

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