Sunday 31 January 2016

Pheidippides of Columbia

It was reported on 22 January 2016 that one of the first casualties of Winter Storm Jonas was a film-professor at Virginia Tech by the name of Jerry Scheeler.

On 16 April 2007, Virginia Tech was the site of the worst school-shooting in the history of the USA, when Seung-Hi Cho (趙承熙 = the copycat who receives the glory) murdered 33 people including himself and injured 17.

Map of the Virginia Tech Shooting

Now, on 30 January 2016, it is reported that a 13-year-old girl named Nicole Madison Lovell has turned up dead near State Route 89 on the Virginia-North Carolina border, following a search that began when she ran away from home early in the morning of 27 January 2016.  

Nicole Madison Lovell

A suspect has been arrested.  He has been identified as 18-year-old David Eisenhauer of Virginia Tech, a track-athlete and engineering student.  His town of origin: Columbia, Maryland.
An accomplice has also been arrested: Natalie Marie Keepers of Laurel, Maryland.

(Note that Lovell suffered from a liver condition and required daily medication in order to survive.)

David Eisenhauer

Pheidippides, who ran the original marathon, dropped dead when he finished it.

Calgary mass-stabber Matthew Douglas de Grood running the marathon

He had brought news of the victory against the Persians, declaring "nikomen", "we are victorious."
Nicole = the victorious.

Suicide-pilot Andreas "Tomato Andy" Lubitz running the marathon

On 3 May 2010, a woman named Yeardley Love was murdered by fellow lacrosse-athlete George Wesley Huguely V in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Yeardley Love

Yeardley Love was born in Baltimore, Maryland on 17 July 1987.
George Wesley Huguely V was born in Washington, District of Columbia on 17 September 1987.

The Virgin of Montserrat

See also:
Indian Mary and the Disturbance of the North

Saturday 30 January 2016

Indian Mary and the Disturbance of the North

On 24 October 2015, beginning at 10:39 a.m., Jaylen Fryburg, a Tulalip Indian youth, shot up Marysville-Pilchuck High School in Marysville, Washington (see: Wikipedia).
Jaylen killed 5, including himself, and injured 3.

Jaylen Fryberg

On 22 January 2016, beginning at 12:52 p.m., Randan Fontaine, a Dene Indian youth, killed his cousins Drayden and Dayne Fontaine and then proceeded to shoot up La Loche Community School in La Loche, Saskatchewan (see: Wikipedia).
Randan killed 4 and injured 7, but himself was apprehended.
Among his victims was the assistant teacher Marie Janvier, 23 years old,
whose name in French literally means "Mary January."

Marie Janvier

On the morning of 23 January 2016, Mary Katherine "Katie" Connell died after landing a BASE-jump from the Bixby Creek Bridge in Big Sur, California.  She was swept into the sea by violent waves and is presumed to have drowned (see: Daily Mail).
Mary "Katie" Connell, a nurse, was originally from Marysville, Tennessee.

On 23 January 2016, a severe snowstorm struck the eastern USA.  The storm was predicted to be the severest such storm since the Knickerbocker Storm of 27 - 28 January 1922, which caused the Knickerbocker Theater in Washington, District of Columbia to collapse, killing 98 people including Congressman Andrew Jackson Barchfeld and several other prominent politicians and businessmen.  The 2016 storm struck many areas with the association of Columbus or Columbia, meaning a dove.  The storm itself was dubbed "Jonas", which also means "dove."
There was thick snow in Columbus Circle, Manhattan.
The storm caused the awning of Knights of Columbus #2572 in Wildwood, New Jersey to collapse.

Between 22 - 24 January 2016, eastern Asia also experienced a severe cold spell which affected Taiwan and Okinawa, among other regions, killing several people unaccustomed to such weather.

On 24 January 2016 at approximately 1:30 a.m., there was a magnitude 6.8 earthquake off the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska, in another part of Athabaskan territory (the Dene are Athabaskans, as also are the Navajo).

Sacagawea and Jean-Baptiste


See also:

Thursday 28 January 2016